However, with the emergence of the internet this practice has taken on a whole new meaning. Website developers can now use various methods enact their online PR activities.

However, to create a truly effective online PR campaign, you need to do a lot more than just the same old stuff. You will need to use a different set of tools and techniques to get the job done. This may also include exciting and flashy digital campaigns. You will need to be a little creative in your thought processes.

The use of the media for your online PR is another method you can use. The media is always looking for news stories and articles about points of their interest. You can create an article for submission to an online news source that will relate to a topic of current interest. Of course, you will include a link of some sort to your site. By using this source, you are taking advantage of free advertising in well read news media. For instance, there are many writers that are able to get an article published in as prestigious of a newspaper as the New York Times.

In order to get your news report published, you will need to pay attention to several things. The first one concerns what stories are currently being published? You will also need to spend some time reviewing which angles the media source is wanting to take on a particular subject. If it is a liberal source and you write from a conservative point of view, then you will probably not get published. Another angle to look at concerns their favorite buzzwords. Create an article with several of these in your posting and you may get noticed.

It will take some time and effort on your part to research what it takes to get published with a particular news source. However, the rewards will be worth it to you. Also once you break through with one source you will understand the process for other sources. By traveling up the learning curve, you will be able enhance your link building with your online PR articles.