As searchers key in keywords, they are led to these directories where they can one stop shop for what they are interested in. By placing the link to directories, you are able to generate massive amounts of traffic since you will be listed with other websites that have similar topics. By placing your listing in directories you will also serve to create one way links to your website.

While placing your website in directories is a good idea, you need to be careful with this process. There are many different types of directories. Some are good and provide quality links. Others are not very reputable and do not generate very much traffic. There are many who charge enormous fees to be listed in their directory. You really have no idea if the money you are spending to be listed is doing you any good. The relevancy of the directory is perhaps the most important thing that you should consider when deciding to place your website with them. If their site is not relevant to your subject matter, it will do no good to be listed in their site. One piece of advice given on the internet in relation to how you should submit your website to directories was to manually submit your site to the different directories. You should not have to pay to have a service such as SEO submit your site to directories. Be willing to do a little homework and you will be able to find those reputable directories that will enable you to create links for little or no cost to you.

You have taken the time to create a good website, now take some time to find good directories that will provide quality links for you.