Stumbleupon is second with around twenty-five percent of the traffic. Stumbleupon’s success is surprising since we hear so much about Twitter.

There are many different strategies a website developer can use to drive social media traffic to their website. The most important thing to remember is to not appear spammy, or too much like you are trying to sell something.

Stumbleupon is geared toward having its users find third-party websites. When users register on Stumbleupon, they choose those topics that interest them. Then the recommendation engine finds those sites that fit the category the user has chosen. The traffic becomes customized to their likes and dislikes. The way to drive the social media traffic to your site using Stumbleupon would be to create good content that will fit the categories that users are searching on.

One statistic I found stated that one percent of the traffic to your site will generate approximately 20 percent more traffic through the sharing of your ideas over the internet. The way to truly drive social media traffic is to identify the powerful one percent of your visitors, and then cater to them.

There are social media tools available such as Radian6 and ObjectiveMarketer that will provide you information on which individuals are most actively sharing information about your site. Once you have identified the one percent, you can then find out what drives them. What is their passion? Do they prefer shopping deals, or videos? This can be identified by digging into the analytic tools to discover what they are sharing the most.

After you have discovered their passion, you will be able to cater your social media strategy toward that passion. You can offer them those items via the social media that interest them. Knowing this will allow you to be more successful in driving these visitors to your site.

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