Twitter is an open form of communication with the world, while Facebook is a closed form of communication. Entries on Twitter are also limited to 140 characters. This certainly limits what you can do with information about your website.

With Twitter being an open form of communication, you can reach a lot of people quickly with your messages. You simply need to create a tweet about the message you wish to send. Many different people will be able to pick up on that message. You need to be very careful that you do not come across as a spammer. One rule of thumb to consider is that you have a ratio of about 10 non-marketing tweets for every marketing tweet that you send. With this approach, people will not tune you out. This is especially true if your marketing tweets have killer headlines. They can be extremely informative to the reader. Then you will create a following of people interested in your industry.

You can use Twitter as a personal branding tool for your website. If you approach this correctly, you can casually come across as a person who knows what is going on in your featured industry. People will begin to associate your site with the industry. Commenting on breaking news is another way to draw attention to your site and what you know.

Twitter can also be used as a method of meeting people that think like you do. You can build some friendships that can be drawn on for testimonials or peer recommendations. It never hurts to increase the amount of people that you know.

Twitter marketing should be used as an indirect method of drawing attention to your website and your products. If you do it right it can be a powerful tool for your marketing strategies.

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